Kingdom Wiki
Sou Ou
Chinese Cang Yang
Kanji 仓央
Biographical Information
Marital Status Involved
Age 30s
Gender Male
State Qin
Location With the Ou Sen Army
Professional Information
Classification Army Commander
Occupation Soldier
Vassal of the Ou Family's main branch
Affiliates Ou Sen Army
Qin Military
Military Rank General
Manga Debut Chapter 583
Anime Debut TBA
Failure? I'm afraid that word is a foreign concept to me. I've never had anything to do with it all my life!

—To Den Ri Mi

Sou'Ou is a General of the Qin Military and the commander of the Ou Sen Army's 3rd Division. He was once the 4th division commander but was promoted to his current position after the Qin's victory in capturing Gyou. He is romantically involved with his adjutant, Shi Ryou as they fought together in his personal army, Sou'Ou Army in the Battle of Hango.


Sou'Ou is a handsome man with dark long hair, mustache and goatee. On the battlefield he wears decorated armor, commander's helmet and a cape.


Sou'Ou is a laidback man in contrast to both Den Ri Mi and A Kou's seriousness and his lord, Ou Sen's enigmatic nature. He prefers fighting on the frontline rather than leading with impressive confidence as he never even thinks twice about failure. While flippant, he is friendly that's capable of getting along with anyone. He has a serious side and is quick-witted.


Young Sou'Ou

A younger Sou'Ou as a minor commander.

When Sou'Ou was young promissing commander he met Shi Ryou on the battlefield for the first time and was captivated by her beauty. She was surprised as he suddenly called her beautiful, but she snubbed him as she continued fighting the enemy. However, in the following days, Shi Ryou was constantly pestered by Sou'Ou as he confessed his feelings of love for her no matter the situation even while fighting against enemies. Sometime later Shi Ryou finally confronts Sou'Ou and tells him to quit bothering her as she shows him her scarred left eye while angrily asking how this is beautiful to him, but Sou'Ou is adamant about her beauty and confessed once again.

The two spend the night together. Shi Ryou, who is still unsure, asks if Sou'Ou is finally satisfied but Sou'Ou shows that he is serious about her and proposes to her on the spot till death do they part as they embrace each other. The two would become lovers as Shi Ryou left her life as a mercenary and officially joined the Ou Sen Army.


Western Zhao Invasion Arc[]

Sou'Ou commended on his lord, Ou Sen's deliberate move to awaken both Shin's force and his son's, which his lord replied that he expected Shin's awakening is on his plan, while on his son's, just gambled along but Sen also replied that Zhao will never be easily defeated by two of them, but assured of victory on the right-wing.

On the 15th of the battle, he, along with his lover, Shi Ryou, led the initial attack at Ri Boku's center army.

When Ri Boku's orders a full-scale retreat to disengage and began a hurried march to Gyou, Ou Sen regroup the rest of his army and commanded 2/10 of the remaining forces of the best of best of each respective units to lead the pursuit on the Ri Boku Army and Zhao forces the day after Ri Boku's full retreat. 

Sou'Ou's army acts as the vanguard, eventually caught up on Zhao's rearguard, causing heavy casualties before Ri Boku's was forced to divert more than half of his soldiers to flank and entrapped their pursuit while the rest head to Gyou. By the time the Zhao's army did so, Sou Ou's and the rest of the pursuing Qin's army withdraw (Hi Shin Unit being the slower one to react) to minimize casualties, they would have a small skirmish during the night as they camped. But achieved their goal of stopping Ri Boku's army to relieve the siege. 

Later on, after the fall of Gyou under Qin's hand, Sou'Ou was seen alongside Ou Sen to meet up with Kan Ki and his inner circle to discuss the issue of 'lack of food'. When food supplies arrived, he was seen eating alongside his adjutant and soldiers. 

Zhao Crisis Arc[]

Sou'Ou is once again with his lord's army and the Qin armies as they assault Zhao's borders with continued attacks after taking Gyou and attends Ou Sen's war council with A Kou, Den Ri Mi and newly promoted Generals Ou Hon, Mou Ten, and a very late Ri Shin, much to the annoyance of Den Ri Mi. As Ou Sen is about to discuss the future of their battles against Ko Chou and the Zhao Military and lay out his plans for taking Kantan, a massager comes with urgent news. After Ou Sen's allowance, the Messager tells them that Tou Jou, the Zhao King has suddenly died yesterday with Sou'Ou being surprised at the news as he clicks his teeth in annoyance.

Battle of Eikyuu Arc[]

Sou'Ou is present with his fellow Ou Sen Army Generals during the strategical meeting. He wonders what Ko Chou's target might be. He is also seen when Mou Ten visits Ou Sen to request a transfer for Ou Hon and makes a snappy remark.

Zhao's Retaliation Arc[]

Sou'Ou takes part in the siege of Atsuyo. Afterward, he is also seen during strategical meetings.

Hango Campaign Arc[]

Sou'Ou takes part in the Battle of Hango and is commanding 30'000 soldiers against Ji Aga Army of 20'000. He is impressed with Ji Aga's might, so he sends Shi Ryou Unit to intercept him. The clash results in a stalemate as the elites of both armies kill each other. Den Ri Mi's killing squad then appears to aid them; however, they are surprised by the sudden appearance of Shi Ba Shou who passes them to attack Ou Sen's HQ. Sou Ou then leave Shi Ryou alone against Ji Aga and Kan Saro to save his commander in chief. As he leaves, he promises Shi Ryou that once the battle is over, he will embrace her passionately.

Sou'Ou and A Kou are able to reach Ou Sen before Shi Ba Shou's glaive is able to reach his neck. However, Seika Army is able to turn the tides when Shi Ba Shou rallies his personal guards, and his vassals appear to support him. To allow Ou Sen to escape A Kou and Den Ri Mi sacrifice their lives while Sou'Ou escorts Ou Sen away from danger supported by A Ka Kin. As they escape Sou'Ou reflects this is the first time in his life he experiences true defeat.

After escaping from the battlefield Sou'Ou has a conversation with Ou Hon. Ou Hon asks about Ou Sen and Sou'Ou answers that he rests in his tent. Ou Hon thinks that they underestimated Ri Boku, but Sou'Ou has a different theory. He thinks that Ri Boku used Ou Sen's weakness and trapped them in "straight-forward battle". He thinks Ou Sen most likely noticed this a while ago which is why he's going to win the next battle. Ou Hon says that Sou'Ou is the only man who can now become Ou Sen's right-hand man and support him. Sou'Ou however responds by saying he has something important to do and must leave.

Later Sou'Ou enters the Seika camp and surrenders himself to the enemy. Vassals of Ji Aga get angry and want to execute him on the spot, but Kan Saro stops them. Sou'Ou makes a speech about how much Shi Ryou meant to him. He breaks in tears and begs Kan Saro to retrieve her remains and embrace her one last time. Kan Saro agrees and orders Sou'Ou to stand. And he turns back he sees Shi Ryou entering the tent alive and well, although missing an arm. Sou'Ou then has another request to allow her to leave in exchange for his head, but Kan Saro decides to let them both go freely as a respect for their courage.


Strength 85
Leadership 87
Intelligence 89
Experience B
Ou Sen Army's playboy

As the 3rd commander in Ou Sen Army and the vassal of Ou Sen, Sou'Ou possesses talents and experience as a capable military commander.

Physical Abilities[]

Glaive Expert: Sou'Ou is a strong fighter and is able to cleave through the thick line of enemy soldiers' defense lines with his glaive. Combining his might alongside his close aide, Shi Ryou, they were able to cause a massive blow to the frontlines of their opponents.


Sou'Ou proves to be a capable leader as he leads charges on the battlefield.

Tactical Abilities[]

Sou'Ou's grasp on strategic fighting and planning is on a first-rate level with his knowledge on warfare surpassing that of both A Kou and Ma Kou. While preferring to lead and fight from the front during a battle, he is capable of picking up weak points in his opponents' formations.

Military Formations: Sou'Ou is capable of performing military formations like Wedge Formation and Line Formation. He was able to direct his units in such matters to form a left wing of Great Red Crane Formation and gain an advantage over the likes of the Ri Boku Army.


Sou Ou, Shi Ryou, and Den Ri Mi
Getting ready for the divisive and final clash during the Battle at Shukai Plains.
Sou Ou and Shi Ryou on the Battlefield
Sou'Ou with Shi Ryou on the battlefield.
Generals of Qin
Present at Great General Ou Sen's strategy meeting regarding Zhao.



  • While dedicated to Shi Ryou, Sou'Ou is a shameless flirt as he once attempted to hit on Koku'Ou during a strategy meeting.


Ou Family
Main Branch
Family Head: Ou Sen
Members: Ou HonShu Kei † • Sai KaOu Ri
Vassals: Ban YouGu Nei † • A Kou † • Ma Kou † • Den Ri MiSou'OuShi RyouKan JouA Ka KinShou TakuKyuu Kou † • Shin Kaku Gaku † • Duke Da Rin † • San ShuuMou Ryuu † • Dan SaKei KyouEi KiEi Gan • Nei Ji • Ba En • Ba Ri • Ba Shun † • Ju Ho • Hi An † • Den Jitsu † • Rin Shun † • Chou YouKou Joun • Ko Sa † • Mou Chi • Ka SouBen Ro • Ha Kun • Ho Jun • Tai Ka •
Story Arcs: Alliance ArcSanyou Campaign ArcSanyou Aftermath ArcCoalition Invasion ArcWestern Zhao Invasion ArcBattle of Eikyuu ArcZhao's Retaliation ArcHango Campaign Arc
Other Articles: Gyoku Hou ArmySix Great GeneralsMou Gou Army ‡ (Do MonEi Bi †) • Kan Ki Army ‡ (Kan Ki †) • Anhou CampaignSanyou CampaignBattle of Kankoku PassBattle at Shukai PlainsBattle of EikyuuBattle of AtsuyoBattle of Hango
Splitter Branch
Family Head: Ou Ki's Father † • Ou Ki † •
Vassals: Kyou † • TouRoku O MiRyuu KokuKan OuRin Bou † • Dou Kin † • Tai GoSetsu KouKou Rou • Mon • Gyo Mou • Tei • Ben • Ge Ni • Shuu Ou • Sai Tou • Ko Gan Brothers •
Story Arcs: Sei Kyou's Rebellion ArcTraining ArcBattle of Bayou ArcAlliance ArcSanyou Campaign ArcCoalition Invasion ArcFire Dragons of Wei ArcWar of the Three States ArcNature Of Humanity Arc
Other Articles: King ShouEi SeiSix Great Generals (Kyou Army ‡) • Shou Bun Kun Army (Shou Bun Kun)
Royal Family
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
Noble Families
City Lords
Six Great Generals
Great Generals

Royal Family Kou RetsuShun Shin Kun
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family Ou Ou ‡ • Ou AnNei
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family Ou Ken
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
Noble Families
City Lords
Six Great Generals
Great Generals
Royal Family An Ri † • Kei Bin
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Fire Dragons of Wei
Royal Family Sho † • KiEn Tan
Prime Minister
Great Generals
Royal Family Bu Rei † • Tou Jou † • Yuu BokuKaEarl Chou Ki † •
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
City Lords
Great Generals
Three Great Heavens

