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Shi Ryou
Shi Ryou portrait
Biographical Information
Marital Status Romantic Relationship with Sou'Ou.
Age 30s+
Gender Female
State Qin
Professional Information
Classification Adjutant
Occupation Soldier
Mercenary (Formerly)
Affiliates Sou'Ou Army
Ou Sen Army
Qin Military
Military Rank Adjutant
Manga Debut Chapter 583
Oh, she's a woman all right. An amazing one at that. Even more so at night.


Shi Ryou is a commander of the Qin Military and a member of the Ou Sen Army. She is the right-hand and the adjutant of its 3rd General Sou'Ou while also being his lover.


Shi Ryou is a tall woman with a large build and height and long light brown hair and bangs falling over her left eye which was recently revealed to be blinded. While in battle, she wore fancy light purple armor and is often seen with a nearly omnipresent smirk on her face.


Shi Ryou is incredibly confident in her abilities but also sometimes a little reckless. While encountering the monstrous Hou Ken, Shi Ryou didn't hesitate nor flinch in trying to kill him as she immediately charged toward the Bushin, which showed an incredible display of bravery. However, in the past, she was insecure about herself as she never saw herself as being beautiful due to her immense figure and scarred eyes.


Shi Ryou was once a mercenary for hire who drifted from battlefield to battlefield while fighting for the highest bidder. At some point, she was injured in her left eye and ended up blinded, which she hid underneath her bangs.

In the years of the War God, Shi Ryou and her company were hired by the Ou Sen Army. While fighting on a battlefield, she met Sou'Ou a young army soldier amid the battle. Initially ignoring him, she was surprised when he suddenly called her beautiful, but she snubbed him as she continued fighting the enemy. However, in the following days, Shi Ryou was constantly pestered by Sou'Ou as he confessed his feelings of love for her no matter the situation even while fighting against enemies.

Shi Ryou, annoyed at his persistence, is told by her colleagues a little about Sou'Ou as he is a rising talent in the Ou Sen Army, but they also tell her to be careful around him due to his reputation of being a playboy. The next day in yet another confession, Shi Ryou finally confronts Sou'Ou to tell him to quit bothering her as she shows him her scarred left eye while angrily asking how this is beautiful to him, but Sou'Ou is adamant about her beauty and confesses once again.

The two spend the night together. Shi Ryou, who is still unsure, asks if Sou'Ou is finally satisfied but Sou'Ou shows that he is serious about her and proposes to her on the spot till death do they part as they embrace each other. The two became lovers as Shi Ryou left her life as a mercenary behind to officially join the Ou Sen Army.


Western Zhao Invasion Arc[]

Shi Ryou was initially seen beside General Sou'Ou. When he received orders from Ou Sen to test Ri Boku's defenses, Shi Ryou quickly took to the task. The Zhao proved to be no match for her and riding her horse Kyapa Shi Ryou caused great damage to the enemy lines.

She eventually goes too deep into their lines and meets shield troops, blocking her from going further. She was unable to pierce that formation, as the soldiers showed no hint of fear or bloodlust she could exploit for weakness. With this new obstacle, and with her Cavalry Unit already stretched out, she quickly realized it was time to regroup and head back to Sou'Ou's position.

Her hunch proved to be right, as the Zhao were closing the gap behind her, trying to cut her path of retreat, surround her, and kill her. Although Shi Ryou temporarily retreated in that opportunity, she kept harassing them while trying to get to the Zhao HQ and kill their great general, Ri Boku, thus posing a great concern to Kaine (who felt personally responsible for her lord's safety).

In the next few hours, Shi Ryou nearly reached Ri Boku's Headquarters but is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Hou Ken of the Three Great Heavens. The Bushin's impressive might stuns the Qin, putting a halt to their assault for long enough time for them to be intercepted by Kaine's Unit, much to the frustration of Shi Ryou who hoped she could single-handedly kill Hou Ken. She later rejoins Sou'Ou and renews her attempts to close in on Ri Boku, worrying the great general himself.

Earl Kou then personally takes to the battlefield to cut off Shi Ryou's advance while facing her in single combat. The duel was fierce, but very brief, as Shi Ryou overpowers the Earl, smiling as she slices him from shoulder to rib, much to the Zhao general's surprise and the despair of the surrounding Zhao forces and Kaine.

After killing the Earl, she briefly fights with a desperate Kaine and easily overpowers the young Zhao commander as she is barely able to block Shi Ryou's strikes. Just as Kanie and her horse are sent reeling, she is caught by Ba Tei who tells her that she should hurry over to Ri Boku's position before it collapses by the Qin right wing's pincer attack on his HQ and tells her, he will deal with Shi Ryou who simply smiles at him. Engaging in a duel with Ba Tei, Shi Ryou prevents him from going to Ri Boku's aid while giving Sou'Ou and their army the chance to continue their frontal assault on his forces. She was later on seen in Gyou and also alongside Sou'Ou, feasting in Qi's supply aid.

Zhao's Retaliation Arc[]

Shi Ryou takes part in the siege of Atsuyo. At the end of the war her and Sou'Ou help the remnants of Hi Shin Unit and Gaku Ka Army to escape from Zhao's pursuit.

Hango Campaign Arc[]


Strength 91
Leadership 81
Intelligence 83
Experience B
Shout: Uuu

Shi Ryou was a highly competent military commander with an impressive amount of experience as she fought on multiple battlefields for decades as a mercenary and serves as Sou'Ou's right hand in his army.

Physical Abilities[]

Immense Strength: Shi Ryou is a powerful woman with physical strength easily suppressing Sou'Ou. She demonstrated her prowess by carving deep crevices in Ri Boku Army's infantry lines while charging from horseback with her twin blades, and later when she overpowered Earl Kou as she sent the experienced military commander reeling with each one of her strikes and sliced cleanly through the large general's abdomen at the end of their duel. Her strength is also on par with the likes of Ba Tei as they were evenly matched during their duel.

Master Swordswoman: Shi Ryou was a highly skilled dual-wielding swordswoman, being the greatest in the Sou'Ou Army and one of the best in the entire Ou Sen Army. She demonstrated her prowess as she strolled over the Ri Boku Army's skilled infantrymen while mowing down entire scores of them with every swing of her twin blades as she easily cut through their hardened formations as if they were made of grass. She also overwhelmed Earl Kou, a veteran of numerous battles, and brushed aside the likes of Kaine with ease. And fought Ba Tei with the duel ending in a draw without her receiving any serious injuries. During the battle of Hango, she was able to hold her own against two skilled warriors of Seika, Ji Aga and Kan Saro.

Immense Endurance: Shi Ryou possessed an immense endurance. She was able to persevere and killed Ji Aga with a broken arm.


Shi Ryou showed a decent amount of leadership as she led charges on the frontline.

Tactical Abilities[]

Shi Ryou seemed to have an amount of tactical knowledge as she showed impressive deductive skills and the ability to think clearly in dynamic situations.



Shi Ryou colored
Shi Ryou on Vol.56's back cover.
Sou Ou, Shi Ryou, and Den Ri Mi
Getting ready for the divisive and final clash during the Battle at Shukai Plains.
Shi Ryou Kingdom
A close-up of Shi Ryou's face.
Shi Ryou's Dual Wield Swordsmanship Kingdom
Shi Ryou leading a charge into the Ri Boku Army.
Shi Ryou's Sword Skill
Shi Ryou's Power
Shi Ryou slays Earl Kou
Shi Ryou slays Earl Kou.
Shi Ryou Defeats Kaine
Shi Ryou defeating Kaine.
Shi Ryou vs. Ba Tei
Shi Ryou dueling Ba Tei.
Hara-sensei's Thank you Shi Ryou
Shi Ryou drawn by Yasuhisa Hara on his thank you Sketch.


  • Shi Ryou appears to have a habit of humming and whispering to herself as she cuts down anyone in her path while fighting.
  • The name of her horse was Kyapa.


Ou Family
Main Branch
Family Head: Ou Sen
Members: Ou HonShu Kei † • Sai KaOu Ri
Vassals: Ban YouGu Nei † • A Kou † • Ma Kou † • Den Ri MiSou'OuShi RyouKan JouA Ka KinShou TakuKyuu Kou † • Shin Kaku Gaku † • Duke Da Rin † • San ShuuMou Ryuu † • Dan SaKei KyouEi KiEi Gan • Nei Ji • Ba En • Ba Ri • Ba Shun † • Ju Ho • Hi An † • Den Jitsu † • Rin Shun † • Chou YouKou Joun • Ko Sa † • Mou Chi • Ka SouBen Ro • Ha Kun • Ho Jun • Tai Ka •
Story Arcs: Alliance ArcSanyou Campaign ArcSanyou Aftermath ArcCoalition Invasion ArcWestern Zhao Invasion ArcBattle of Eikyuu ArcZhao's Retaliation ArcHango Campaign Arc
Other Articles: Gyoku Hou ArmySix Great GeneralsMou Gou Army ‡ (Do MonEi Bi †) • Kan Ki Army ‡ (Kan Ki †) • Anhou CampaignSanyou CampaignBattle of Kankoku PassBattle at Shukai PlainsBattle of EikyuuBattle of AtsuyoBattle of Hango
Splitter Branch
Family Head: Ou Ki's Father † • Ou Ki † •
Vassals: Kyou † • TouRoku O MiRyuu KokuKan OuRin Bou † • Dou Kin † • Tai GoSetsu KouKou Rou • Mon • Gyo Mou • Tei • Ben • Ge Ni • Shuu Ou • Sai Tou • Ko Gan Brothers •
Story Arcs: Sei Kyou's Rebellion ArcTraining ArcBattle of Bayou ArcAlliance ArcSanyou Campaign ArcCoalition Invasion ArcFire Dragons of Wei ArcWar of the Three States ArcNature Of Humanity Arc
Other Articles: King ShouEi SeiSix Great Generals (Kyou Army ‡) • Shou Bun Kun Army (Shou Bun Kun)
Ou Sen Army
Leader: Ou Sen
Generals: Sou'OuA Kou † • Ma Kou † • Den Ri Mi
Adjudants : Mou ChiShi RyouMou Ryuu † • Gu Nei
5000-Man Commanders: Ka SouShin Shou
Commanders : Kei Kyou † • San ShuuRyuu TaDuke Da Rin † • Shin Kaku Gaku † • Fu Jin † • Dan Sa?Ei Gan?Ei Ki?Nei Ji?Chou You?Kou Jun?Ben Ro?
Former Members : Kan JouA Ka KinShou TakuKyuu Kou
Armies : A Kou Army (defunct) • Ma Kou Army (defunct) • Den Ri Mi Army (defunct) • Sou'Ou Army
Situational members : Heki ArmyKan Ki ArmyYo Tan Wa ArmyHi Shin UnitGaku Ka ArmyGyoku Hou ArmyDo Mon Army
Royal Family
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
Noble Families
City Lords
Six Great Generals
Great Generals

Royal Family Kou RetsuShun Shin Kun
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family Ou Ou ‡ • Ou AnNei
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family Ou Ken
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
Noble Families
City Lords
Six Great Generals
Great Generals
Royal Family An Ri † • Kei Bin
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Fire Dragons of Wei
Royal Family Sho † • KiEn Tan
Prime Minister
Great Generals
Royal Family Bu Rei † • Tou Jou † • Yuu BokuKaEarl Chou Ki † •
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
City Lords
Great Generals
Three Great Heavens

