Kingdom Wiki
Shiba Saku
Shi Ba Saku portrait
Chinese Si Ma Cuo
Kanji 司馬錯
Romaji Shii Ba Sakku
Epithet Six Great Generals
Biographical Information
Deceased (Ageing)
Marital Status Unknown
Age Unknown
Gender Male
State Qin
Location Qin (Death Place)
Birth Place Qin
Professional Information
Classification Army Commander
Occupation Soldier
Six Great Generals
Affiliates Qin Military
Shi Ba Saku Army
Six Great Generals
Military Rank Great General
Manga Debut Chapter 99 Flashback
Anime Debut Episode 24 Flashback

Shiba Saku was a Great General of the Qin Military and a member of the first generation of the Six Great Generals of Qin.


Shiba Saku is a tall man with a warrior built. He wears cape, ornamented armor and helmet with wings and spike at the top.



He fought in various battles against enemies of Qin alongside the other great generals.


As a member of the first generation of legendary Six Great Generals, Shi Ba Saku was one of the most dominant military figures of the era. Little is known about Shi Ba Saku's abilities, but it is indicated that he was extremely strong and talented in warfare.


Shi Ba Saku portrait
Shi Ba Saku Profile
Shi Ba Saku portrait2
Shi Ba Saku portrait
Shi Ba Saku on the battlefield
Shi Ba Saku commanding his army.
The Six Great Generals!
Shi Ba Saku leading his army alongside the Six Great Generals.
Mou Gou's Vision of the Six Greats


  • He is based on a real historical general, Sima Cuo