Qin Cities
List of cities located in the state of Qin.
Anken City[]
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Asui City[]
- Chinese name: Yashui
- Was a place where a war council meeting went place for Battle at Dakan Plains.
- Go Kei and his army were headed for Asui in order to take it over.
Baou City[]
- Chinese name: Maying
The city was attacked by the Zhao during the Han Campaign.
Bayou City[]
- Chinese name: Mayang
It is a sister city of Baou and a keystone of the border region.
Furou Village[]
Noticeable Citizens[]
Gan Castle[]
- Chinese name: Wan Castle
- The army stationed were destroyed by the Go Kei Army.
- The lord Koku Gou was killed by Go Kei.
- The castle didn't have any Infantry.
Noticeable Citizens[]
Gouryou City[]
The city was attacked by the Wei during the Coalition Army War.
Hei Village[]
Hei Village is located in the eastern front-line region of Kaisou. It was destroyed during the Coalition Invasion. After the war, the Hi Shin Unit was assigned to rebuild the village and offer security from enemy troops.
Jinshi City[]
Jinshi City is located towards the middle of the Southern Pass. On the 20th day of the Coalition Army Battle, Jinshi was besieged by Ri Boku's detachment army.
Jouto Village[]
Western Qin, Shi Province
Noticeable Citizens[]
Kakuyou City[]
The Kakuyou region is located on the Qin/Zhao border. It is a vital blockade that keeps the Zhao from invading Qin's eastern territories. During the Choyou Campaign, the Ou Sen Army was positioned there.
Kanan was a city where Ryo Fui was banished to during his retirement.
Kankou City[]
- Chinese name: Hangao
Kankou was a Zhao city whose military significance has surged to the top in recent years due to the shifting borders. It is said that as soon as Ri Boku was made prime minister, he immediately turned his attention to strengthening the region around Kankou. The city was given to Qin as a bonus for agreeing to form the Qin/Zhao Alliance. It's unknown if the Zhao ever attempted to take it back after breaking the alliance.
A huge fort in the center is said to be approaching completion. Were an enemy to siege the city, it would cost many lives, money, and time.
The city is on the Zhao border. And is between Qin and Wei.
- Chinese name: Xianyang
Kasa City[]
Kasa is located on the outskirts of the mountains that surround Kanyou. In the middle of the south path that is guarded by Bu Pass. With a population of 3,000. Kasa was the first city to be attacked by Ri Boku's detachment force on their way towards Kanyou.
Kei City[]
Kei city is located on the borders of Qin and Wei. Shin met the leader of this city. And defended the city from attack from Ga Gyuu's army, as part of the defenders sent by Qin there.
Kei Village[]
Kinan City[]
Kinan was the depot city for the supplies in the Gyou Campaign.
Kokuhi Village[]
- Chinese name: Hebei Village
A village where thieves, outlaws, and murderers from all over Qin gathered. The village of outlaws was a terrible place where no normal person ever left it alive. Ei Sei had hid in an abandoned shack that acted as a safe house after his younger half-brother tried to assassinate him. He was able to stay there peacefully because prior to his arrival Sho Bun Kun had rumors spread that an infected person dwealt there. During Sei Kyou's Rebellion, an army led by Gi Kou destroyed the village and killed anyone they could find in hopes of flushing out the young and killing him. Ka Ryo Ten worked there as an informant. She gained different forms of knowledge from the passing exile nobles, and officials she met within the village. She had them teach her various skills such as cooking, history, reading, writing, etc.
Noticeable Citizens[]
Naifu City[]
Ou Ki's City[]
- Chinese name: Wang Yi's City
This city belonged to the late Ou Ki and was inherited by Tou as he became its city lord.
Noticeable Citizens[]
Sai City[]
- Chinese name: Zui
Saki City[]
The city was attacked by the Wei during the Coalition Army War, during which all the citizens were killed to demonstrate Wei's anger over the loss of Sanyou.
Shoku and Rou Cities[]
Though they might have been small, the low ground Shoku and high ground city of Rou actually functioned as a formidable combination and served as defense outposts. Especially as the city of Rou was situated on the cliffs, allowing them to assist Shoku below.
The cities were attacked by the Ri Boku Army during the Coalition Army War.
Sui City[]
The base of Qin's northern defense line, attacked by the Yan Army during the start of the Coalition Army War.
Tairin City[]
A mid-sized Qin city located in the northeast. The city was sacked by the Mai Kou Army.
Tonryuu City[]
- Chinese name: Tunliu
Toukin City[]
Toukin is Qin's eastern front lines base.
You City[]
- Chinese name: Yong
The former capital city of the state of Qin.
Unseen Cities[]
- Sou
- Ran
- Sou
- Bidai
- Hokudai
- Kyuu
- Tou
- Han Pass
- Kaisou City
- Kaiya
- Fu Village
- Chiku
- Kokugan
- Tairin
- Manto