Kingdom Wiki
Ou Sen Army
Ousen Army
Group Info
Name Ou Sen Army
Named by Ou Sen
Troops 70,000
Location Hango, Zhao
State Qin
Part of Ou Family's Main Branch
Affiliation Qin Military
Mou Gou Army (defunct)
Status Active
Group Personnel
Reporting to Ou Sen
General A Kou
1st Division

Den Ri Mi
2nd Division
3rd Division
Ma Kou
2nd Division

Leader Ou Sen
Strategist(s) Various
Lieutenant(s) A Kou
Right Hand Man

Ma Kou
Left Hand Man
Den Ri Mi

Commander(s) Mou Ryuu
Side Infos
Specialty Fort Construction

Fighting Winnable Battles
Overwhelming Strategy

The Ou Sen Army is an army of the Qin Military led by Great General Ou Sen, the Third Great of the Six Great Generals. Originally it was one of the main divisions in the Mou Gou Army, but it became independent after Great General Mou Gou's death.


As the head of the Ou Family, a noble famous for their military prodigies and history, Ou Sen was educated in the ways of warfare even on par with Qin's Six Great Generals and as a noble, he owns his army which is a part of the Mou Gou Army as he worked under Mou Gou himself.


Sanyou Campaign Arc[]

The Ou Sen army, just like the Kan Ki Army, is an army working directly under general Mou Gou and is a part of the Mou Gou Army, with Ou Sen being his vice general.

The Army makes its first appearance in the Sanyou Campaign, where they at the plains outside of Sanyou city to meet up with the Mou Gou and Kan Ki Army. On its way to Sanyou, they had conquered a total of 8 cities at the fastest pace out of all the armies. When the battle of Sanyou started, the Ou Sen army was stationed to flank the Ren Pa Army while Kan Ki attacked the other flank and Mou Gou defended the center of the battlefield, as this was Mou Gou's strategy to use his vice generals full potential. The first opposing army was led by general Kyou En, who was one of Ren Pa's Four Heavenly Kings. Ou Sen outplayed him by lending 5000 men to commander Heki, who was also pushing the frontlines, and together they would make use of the Wei Di they stood upon. Ou Sen used Heki as bait to lure out Kyou En 's forces. He Ki, unaware of this, though he had lost as Kyou En used the Wei Di against him and surrounded Heki's forces. But it was in this moment that Ou Sen stepped in, pushed down Kyou En's forces, and took control of the Wei Di. Kyou En, surrounded by the Ou Sen army, tried to kill Ou Sen with his bow by shooting piercing arrows at him, but his men were able to block them. Ou Sen then tried to convince him by giving him two choices: To leave Ren Pa and serve under him and the state of Qin or face death. But then suddenly out of nowhere came Ren Pa and his army, who took control of a part of the Wei Di. Ou Sen didn't want to take his chances in a difficult situation like this and decided to retreat, with and Heki and his unit coming slowly afterward. The Ren Pa and Kyou En combined army chased after them, resulting in Ou Sen and Heki losing many soldiers along the way. The exhausted Heki unit eventually lost track of the Ou Sen army and wandered into the woods. As Ren Pa and Kyou En went after Ou Sen and finally came through the narrow passage of the forest, they suddenly noticed a large, fortified fort on a cliff directly in front of them, arranged by Ou Sen to make his defensive stand impenetrable. Ren Pa was surprised by this performance and decided not to engage the fort and left Kyou En in charge of the spot to keep an eye on Ou Sen while he focused on Mou Gou.

The battle was later won by Ren Pa admitting defeat and surrendering to Mou Gou, for a variety of reasons. The Kan Ki army had conquered the Wei army's HQ and slain Haku Ki Sai, the commander-in-chief of the Wei forces. The Hi Shin Unit had slain Rin Ko and defeated his center force. But that was not all, Ren Pa also knew Ou Sen had an untouched army waiting to strike if they tried to remobilize their forces.

Coalition Invasion Arc[]

At the Battle of Kankoku Pass, the Ou Sen army of 70,000 soldiers was stationed to guard the mountain terrain to the left of Kankoku pass to prevent the enemy army from taking an alternate route and opening the gate from within. Ou Sen was matched up against Ordo and his army of Yan, which consisted of both mountain warriors and Yan soldiers. Ou Sen deployed a defensive fort upon the mountains but was unaware of the Ordo army's specialty: mountain sieging. As the Ou Sen army was trying to hold out against the Ordo army, they eventually lost foothold of the fort as Ordo's mountain warriors successfully advanced further in. They retreated further into the mountains, where Ou Sen had another fort built at which they could patiently wait for Ordo's next strike. However, Ordo's mountain warriors caught Ou Sen's soldiers by surprise as they quietly climbed the mountain and ambushed them from behind, which led to Ou Sen retreating for a second time and losing many soldiers in the process.

Ordo, along with his mountain warriors, went on ahead of the main Yan army to scout the mountain terrain, but there were no signs or any tracks of the Ou Sen army to be found. As mountain-dwellers, they are experts in analyzing mountain terrain and can easily predict the landscape ahead without having to see it. As they approached a large cliff, Ordo knew that they were close to the Kankoku gate and just needed to simply climb over it to arrive at the gate. He ordered his elite unit of 8000 mountain warriors to climb the cliff but was unaware that Ou Sen had set up an ambush right behind them. As they climbed the mountain, Ou Sen ordered his archer unit to strike them, which resulted in Ordo losing his whole 8000-man unit, which was the cream of the crop of his army. Ordo, shocked by the ambush and feeling completely outplayed in his specialty of mountain warfare, retreated back to the Yan army that was left behind.

Ou Sen noticed this quickly and ordered commander Mou Ryuu and his unit to strike Ordo and capture him alive. Mou Ryuu's cavalry unit ambushed Ordo from the side and caught most of them by surprise but was slain by a fast minded Ordo in one swing and managed to retreat safely. This performance by Ou Sen would later have a great impact on Ordo psychologically because he now feared Ou Sen even more and dared not to advance any further with the rest of his army in fear of another ambush. Additionally, he could not find any tracks of the Ou Sen army and did not want to risk losing another unit of elite soldiers. Ou Sen took advantage of this fear and left the mountain terrain with confidence that Ordo would not attack again. With a detachment force of his army, he rode to aid the Kankoku gate which had been ambushed by a hidden force of 5000 elite soldiers of the Ka Rin Army, which was believed by both general Ka Rin and commander-in-chief Shun Shin Kun to be enough of a force to open the gate. Kan Ki and Mou Gou, who was still defending the gate, could not handle the situation as it was in complete chaos. The Ka Rin soldiers managed to slay many of the Qin soldiers on the top of the pass and eventually made it to the gates, where they removed the boulders blocking the entrance and were just about ready to open it. However, just when Mou Gou thought the battle to defend the gate was lost, the Ou Sen army and its cavalry came charging down the hill and managed to slay all of Ka Rin's soldiers and secure the gate. Ou Sen was the savior of the day and the coalition army had run out of options for continuing the attack. This marked a great achievement for the Ou Sen army as they fulfilled their role as "the shield" of preventing an enemy army from flanking the gate from within. The army went back to defending the mountains and Ordo did not move his army for the remainder of the battle.

Conspiracy in the Court Arc[]

One year after the Battle of Kankoku Pass, Great General Mou Gou died, which rendered the Mou Gou Army defunct. With the Mou Gou Army being disbanded, the Ou Sen Army captured the Iron City of Wei, Keito, with Ou Sen forcing all the soldiers to pledge their loyalty to him as their lord and master.

Fire Dragons of Wei Arc[]

Ou Sen is seen predicting the actions of Go Hou Mei which will lead General Tou to request reinforcements from his army. However, this was never done, surprising his men since his predictions have never been wrong. While he is thinking on the matter, he is informed that Ou Hon and his unit have joined up with General Tou and are participating in the current battle. He must have realized that his prediction was off due to his son's protest of being left out of the battle. 

Western Zhao Invasion Arc[]

Ou Sen, alongside the Yo Tan Wa ArmyKan Ki Army, and several marauder units such as the Gaku Ka Unit, Gyoku Hou Unit, and Hi Shin Unit, was organized as 3 large armies and began their invasion of Zhao. Firstly, they arrived at the city of Kinan and refurbished supplies. They watched as Yo Tan Wa and Shin captured Retsubi. They disappeared later that night, infiltrating the Zhao lines. They abandoned Retsubi, despite protests from the soldiers. They captured many cities for the purpose of driving the citizens into Gyou then raised a siege upon the overcrowded city, horrifying Prime Minister Ri Boku. Ou Sen then attacked upon 3 fronts, taking the battle against Ri Boku himself in the Battle at Shukai Plains, near Atsuyo, with Yo Tan Wa and Heki in Ryouyou in the Battle of Ryouyou, and Kan Ki in Gyou's siege.

Battle of Eikyuu Arc[]

Zhao's Retaliation Arc[]

Hango Campaign Arc[]


Han Campaign[]

  • Unknown

Sanyou Campaign[]

  • Conquered eight cities.

Battle of Kankoku Pass[]

  • Fulfilled their role as the "Shield" of guarding the mountains at the left flank of Kankoku pass, preventing the Yan army's advance and came to the rescue of the Kankoku gate when Ka Rin's Chu army ambushed it from behind and saved the day and Kankoku pass itself.

Western Zhao Invasion Arc[]

  • 3rd army and Ou Sen is the commander in chief.
  • Captured Retsubi City, Then reclaimed by Zhao
  • Captured Gota City from Zhao
  • Captured Tei City from Zhao
  • Captured Seki City from Zhao
  • Captured Hei City from Zhao
  • Captured Shin City from Zhao
  • Captured Seki City from Zhao
  • Captured Kyo City from Zhao
  • Captured Santan City from Zhao

Battle at Shukai Plains[]

  • Defeated the Ri Boku Army and captured Gyou, the second-largest city in the State of Zhao.



Ou Sen Full Body
Ou Sen
Great General
Third Great of the Six Great Generals



Sou Ou
Sou'Ou Army
3rd Division


A Kou portrait
A Kou
Right Hand Man
A Kou Army
1st Division
Slain by Shi Ba Shou
Ma Kou portrait
Ma Kou
Left Hand Man
Ma Kou Army
2nd Division
Slain by Ri Boku
Den Ri Mi portrait
Den Ri Mi
Den Ri Mi Army
2nd Division
Slain by the Shi Ba Shou Army



Mou Chi
Mou Chi
Archery Unit Commander
Shi Ryou portrait


Mou Ryuu portrait
Mou Ryuu
Slain by Ordo
Gu Nei portrait

5000-Man Commanders[]

No image
Ka Sou
Leader of Ka Sou Unit
Shin Shou portrait

2000-Man Commanders[]


1000-Man Commanders[]



Kan Jou portrait
Kan Jou
A Kou Army (reassigned)
Joined the Gyoku Hou Army
A Ka Kin Portrait

Unspecified Commanders[]


No image
Ryuu Ta
Ou Sen Core Army


Shou Taku portrait
Shou Taku
A Kou Army (Reassigned)
Joined Gyoku Hou Army
Kyuu kou portrait
Kyuu Kou
A Kou Army (Reassigned)
Joined Gyoku Hou Unit
Slain by the Ten Spears
Duke Da Rin portrait
Shin Kaku Gaku portrait
Fu Jin †
Den Ri Mi Army
Slain by Shi Ba Shou Army
Ha Kan portrait
Ha Kan (assumed †)
Ou Sen Core Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou
Ho Jun portrait
Ho Jun (assumed †)
Ou Sen Core Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou
Dan Sa portrait
Dan Sa (assumed †)
Stand-in Commander
A Kou Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou Army
Ei Gan
Ei Gan (assumed †)
A Kou Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou Army
Ei Ki
Ei Ki (assumed †)
A Kou Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou Army
Nei Ji (assumed †)
A Kou Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou Army
Chou You portrait
Chou You (assumed †)
Ma Kou Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou Army
Kou Jin portrait
Kou Jun (assumed †)
Ma Kou Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou Army
Ben Ro portrait
Ben Ro (assumed †)
Leader of Ben Ro Unit
Den Ri Mi Army
Presumably slain by Shi Ba Shou Army


Ju Ho
Ju Ho
A Kou Army
Tai Ka
Ou Sen's Core Army
No image
Den Ri Mi Army



A Kou Army
A Kou Army
1st Division
20,000 soldiers
Ma Kou Charge
Ma Kou Army
2nd Division
20,000 soldiers
Denrimi Army
Den Ri Mi Army
2nd Division
10,000 soldiers
Sou'O Army portrait
Sou'Ou Army
3rd Division
10,000 soldiers
Ou Sen army
Ou Sen Core Army
10,000 soldiers


No image
Tou Sui Unit
Ma Kou Army
No image
Yuu Unit
Ma Kou Army
No image
Hei Gan Unit
Ma Kou Army
No image
Min Unit
Ma Kou Army
No image
Koku Ri Unit
Ma Kou Army
Akakin unit
A Ka Kin Unit
1000-Man Unit
A Kou Army (reassigned)
Joined the Gyoku Hou Army
Kan Jou Unit portrait
Kan Jou Unit
1000-Man Unit
A Kou Army(reassigned)
Joined the Gyoku Hou Army
No image
Red Fang Calvary Group
A Kou Army
No image
Kou Ba Unit
Den Ri Mi Army
No image
San Bi Unit
Den Ri Mi Army
No image
Ri Ku Unit
Den Ri Mi Army
Ben ro unit
Ben Ro Unit
Den Ri Mi Army
No image
Tei Ha Unit
Ou Sen' Core Army
No image
Shin Hou Unit
Ou Sen' Core Army

Situational Members[]


Unlike other army members, Ou Sen's closest vassals wear helmets with decorated claws out sideways. All members of the army have the standard Qin Military armor.


The Ou Sen Army is a very versatile army which can use a verity of different strategies. All of the Ou Sen army generals and their armies can use basic strategies but each of them has their own specialities:

  • A Kou Army: Very strong heavy infantry and cavalry focused army. They have very high morale and they can mimic Ou Sen's advanced strategies.
  • Ma Kou Army: They can use advanced strategies which utilises faints and tricks and are known for having the best offense.
  • Den Ri Mi Army: They are very capable at sieging as well as the field tactics. They are the most lethal force in the entire army.
  • Sou'Ou Army: a capable army combining Sou'ou's tactics and Shi Ryou's martial might.

Ou Sen is known to recruit defeated enemy generals and commanders that he deems talented or display incredible abilities in warfare. He tried recruiting Kyou En and he successfully recruited A Kou after defeating him.

Ou Sen has in previous occasions outplayed his opponents by thinking several steps ahead of his enemy, he uses his army by setting up ambushes when least expected and building forts, which are said not to lose to even Haku Ki's forts, when being on the defensive, and always uses the element of surprise in his warfare.

No one really knows what Ou Sen is thinking, as he's hard to read, even his by own allies. He uses these traits to confuse his opponents psychologically and come off as unpredictably, as he did in the Sanyou Campaign, when defending Kankoku Pass, and the entirety of Gyou Campaign.

Military Tactics[]

Tactical Formations used by the army.

Military Career[]

The Military Career of the Ou Sen Army.

Siege of Sanbi
40,000 Man Army
Siege of Sanbi
243 B.C.
Sanyou Campaign Day 2 Map
40,000 Man Army
Battle of Sanyou
243 B.C.
Battle of Kankoku Pass Deployment
70,000 Man Army
Battle of Kankoku Pass
241 B.C.
Siege of Keito
70,000 Man Army
Siege of Keito
240 B.C.
Siege of Retsubi
200,000 Man Army
Seige of Retsubi
236 B.C.
Siege of Gota
140,000 Man Army
Siege of Gota
236 B.C.
Siege of Tei
140,000 Man Army
Siege of Tei
236 B.C.
Qin Army's Attack and Refugee routes
140,000 Man Army
Gyou Campaign
236 B.C.
Siege of Gyou
140,000 Man Army
Siege of Gyou
236 B.C.
Battle at Shukai Plains Overview
88,000 Man Army
Battle at Shukai Plains
236 B.C
Siege of Atsuyo 02
Siege of Atsuyo
233 B.C
The Battle of Hango
120,000 Man Army
Battle of Hango
232 B.C



Ousen arrives
Ou Sen Army ambushes the Kyou En Army.
Ou Sen Army as they're about to ambush Ordo Army.
The Ou Sen Army Arrives
Ou Sen Army ambushes Ka Rin Army Elites.
Chapter 318 cover
Ou Sen and his command unit destroying Ka Rin's elites.
Ou Sen strategy making at Gyou
Ou Sen preparing his strategy for the conquest of Gyou.
Den Ri Mi Army Heads out
The Den Ri Mi Army heads outs.


Ou Sen Army anime portrait
Ou Sen Army
Ou Sen Army Flag Anime
Ou Sen Army Flag


Ou Family
Main Branch
Family Head: Ou Sen
Members: Ou HonShu Kei † • Sai KaOu Ri
Vassals: Ban YouGu Nei † • A Kou † • Ma Kou † • Den Ri MiSou'OuShi RyouKan JouA Ka KinShou TakuKyuu Kou † • Shin Kaku Gaku † • Duke Da Rin † • San ShuuMou Ryuu † • Dan SaKei KyouEi KiEi Gan • Nei Ji • Ba En • Ba Ri • Ba Shun † • Ju Ho • Hi An † • Den Jitsu † • Rin Shun † • Chou YouKou Joun • Ko Sa † • Mou Chi • Ka SouBen Ro • Ha Kun • Ho Jun • Tai Ka •
Story Arcs: Alliance ArcSanyou Campaign ArcSanyou Aftermath ArcCoalition Invasion ArcWestern Zhao Invasion ArcBattle of Eikyuu ArcZhao's Retaliation ArcHango Campaign Arc
Other Articles: Gyoku Hou ArmySix Great GeneralsMou Gou Army ‡ (Do MonEi Bi †) • Kan Ki Army ‡ (Kan Ki †) • Anhou CampaignSanyou CampaignBattle of Kankoku PassBattle at Shukai PlainsBattle of EikyuuBattle of AtsuyoBattle of Hango
Splitter Branch
Family Head: Ou Ki's Father † • Ou Ki † •
Vassals: Kyou † • TouRoku O MiRyuu KokuKan OuRin Bou † • Dou Kin † • Tai GoSetsu KouKou Rou • Mon • Gyo Mou • Tei • Ben • Ge Ni • Shuu Ou • Sai Tou • Ko Gan Brothers •
Story Arcs: Sei Kyou's Rebellion ArcTraining ArcBattle of Bayou ArcAlliance ArcSanyou Campaign ArcCoalition Invasion ArcFire Dragons of Wei ArcWar of the Three States ArcNature Of Humanity Arc
Other Articles: King ShouEi SeiSix Great Generals (Kyou Army ‡) • Shou Bun Kun Army (Shou Bun Kun)
Ou Sen Army
Leader: Ou Sen
Generals: Sou'OuA Kou † • Ma Kou † • Den Ri Mi
Adjudants : Mou ChiShi RyouMou Ryuu † • Gu Nei
5000-Man Commanders: Ka SouShin Shou
Commanders : Kei Kyou † • San ShuuRyuu TaDuke Da Rin † • Shin Kaku Gaku † • Fu Jin † • Dan Sa?Ei Gan?Ei Ki?Nei Ji?Chou You?Kou Jun?Ben Ro?
Former Members : Kan JouA Ka KinShou TakuKyuu Kou
Armies : A Kou Army (defunct) • Ma Kou Army (defunct) • Den Ri Mi Army (defunct) • Sou'Ou Army
Situational members : Heki ArmyKan Ki ArmyYo Tan Wa ArmyHi Shin UnitGaku Ka ArmyGyoku Hou ArmyDo Mon Army
Royal Family
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
Noble Families
City Lords
Six Great Generals
Great Generals

Royal Family Kou RetsuShun Shin Kun
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family Ou Ou ‡ • Ou AnNei
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family Ou Ken
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Royal Family
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
Noble Families
City Lords
Six Great Generals
Great Generals
Royal Family An Ri † • Kei Bin
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals
Fire Dragons of Wei
Royal Family Sho † • KiEn Tan
Prime Minister
Great Generals
Royal Family Bu Rei † • Tou Jou † • Yuu BokuKaEarl Chou Ki † •
Prime Minister
Royal Harem
City Lords
Great Generals
Three Great Heavens

