
Mou Ten as a child
Mou Ten was born as the eldest son to Mou Bu and grandson of Mou Gou the Hakurou and Great General. While growing up on his family estate he was a very mischievous and reckless child who often pulled pranks on Ko Zen, his appointed guardian by himself or with his Mou Ki, his younger brother. Having been pampered and spoiled throughout his childhood, Mou Ten hated to study and soon fell behind other heirs of noble families. As a solution to this problem, Ko Zen hired an attractive female tutor due to Mou Ten adoring girls. After that, his education progressed ridiculously fast as it turned out he was just lazy and lacked motivation despite his inner talent. However, at the end of their studies, his tutor left to get married in the south and Mou Ten remained prostrate for three straight days, but he later developed a taste for legal studies as he continued in that direction and eventually passed the most difficult of legalism exams and obtained the status of a judge in the state of Qin’s courts. [1]
Mou Ten, at the age of 10, once visited a military unit from his father's army and met Ai Sen, a soldier of his father's, for the first time. In the coming years, Ai Sen would often meet Mou Ten irregularly on the battlefield after the latter joined the military.
At one point in his life, possibly when reaching his early teens, Mou Ten attended Shou Hei Kun's Strategist Academy and received special recognition as one of his best students for his strategic genius.
Battle of Bayou Arc[]
At the beginning of his military career, Mou Ten participated in the Anhou Campaign led by Mou Gou, a Great General of the State of Qin and his grandfather and scored many great achievements during the war.
Third Faction Arc[]
Mou Ten is first seen observing the Qin camp as they begin their war with Wei, stating his lack of interest in the whole fight before heading south of the camp.
Sanyou Campaign Arc[]
As the Qin army marches into Wei, he runs into the Hi Shin unit and introduces himself to Shin.
As the army besieges the Wei city of Kourou and fails to gain an advantage, he comes to talk with the Hi Shin Unit, telling them of his grandfather's battle style and that they may have no choice but to rely on a long-term siege for victory. On the 11th day, he sees the Gyoku Hou unit move into action and states that the siege tower is quite a rare item, impressed they brought it from Qin. Commenting on how skilled the Gyoku Hou unit is, Mou Ten notices that the other Qin soldiers have not taken advantage of the empty siege tower and that Ou Hon's men are hard-pressed on all sides. As the fight goes on, he notices that the Gyoku Hou who started the fire are now mounted below the siege tower as though awaiting something. When the gates are opened by Ou Hon's men, the Gaku Ka seize the opportunity to be the first ones in and take the lord of the city's castle in a very short time. His men are confronted by Ou Hon and his men, each side arguing their great success in the day and almost coming to blows about who conquered the city. Ou Hon ends the issue and Mou Ten just calls it a favor he owes and calls over the nearby Hi Shin unit. Upon smelling the smoke coming from the city, he warns Shin that it does not concern them but is ignored by the angry boy. He arrives to stop Shin from killing a Qin 1000-man commander as it is a crime in the army to do so, asking him if his conviction to be a great general only weighs so much. He later uses his influence with his grandfather to get the other squad the harsher sentence and Shin a light one considering he didn’t kill the 1000-Man commander, Ou Hon asks him why he helped Shin in the matter to which he replies that he has taken a liking to Shin due to his straightforward nature.
At the siege of Kinrikan, he uses the siege tower to get to the city walls and notes the skills of the Hi Shin unit as a whole before laughing at their attempt to scale the city walls. When Shin falls off the wall, he states that he would be a serious threat to the other special units if he wasn't an idiot and he calls it part of Shin's character. He comments on the arrival of the army's big name, Kaku Bi, a 1000-Man Commander. Checking up on General Ra Gen a bigger plan from the Wei. The army leaves Kinrikan and moves in a defensive formation which has him thinking his grandfather has predicted that another attack might come. He talks with Shin about the chance Renpa is the enemy Commander-in-Chief when is interrupted by his father, who says that his intuition is the only part of him that has matured.

Mou Ten promoted to 1000-Man Commander
Mou Ten is later promoted to the rank of 1000-man commander along with Shin and Ou Hon. On the march, he congratulates Shin on his promotion and talks about the pressure Ou Hon is under as one born to a famous family.
When word arrives that Ren Pa is not the Commander-in-Chief, Mou Ten notes that is unsettling news since the great general won't be limited to his Headquarters. After the death of Gen Pou and in light of recent events, Mou Ten suggests a team-up between his unit, Shin's Hi Shin Unit, and Ou Hon's. The next day, he gives the Gaku Ka unit a speech, which he rarely does, before going for Rin Ko's position with 800 of his men and then splitting them into five smaller groups to penetrate through Rin Ko's troops.
When the Gaku Ka kills a sufficient amount of Rin Ko's troops, he sends a signal for both the Hi Shin and the Gyoku Hou Units to charge at Rin Ko's position. His men open a path for both Shin and Ou Hon to reach Rin Ko as their troops battle in the vicinity with the Gaku Ka retreating. Wondering why Shin and Ou Hon are taking so long, he hopes that they don't misjudge the time to pull out from Rin Ko's position.
In the night, he goes to see his grandfather who notices that both Do Mon and Ei Bi have admonished him for his recklessness on the field. Noticing that Mou Gou is acting strange, Mou Ten points it out and hears his grandfather say he will no longer run away. On the day of battle, he wonders about his grandfather and hurries to his position when the battle with Rin Ko's forces is won. Seeing Mou Gou bleeding from his severed arm, Mou Ten charges heedlessly at Ren Pa and barely dodges the attack which his horse sacrifices itself to take while it kills his soldiers following him. Seeing the Wei HQ on fire, he realizes that they might go after his injured grandfather to settle the score and grabs a horse before putting himself in Kai Shi Bou's path shocked when Ren Pa stops Kai Shi Bou, calling the battle a loss for their side.
Sanyou Aftermath Arc[]
Three months later, Mou Ten is stationed at Rein, a city near the Sanyou border. He relaxes here while his unit deals with any Wei attackers in the region. His lieutenant returns from fighting Wei troops and tells him of a rumor that involves the Hi Shin unit suffering a string of defeats. Arriving to meet with Shin, Mou Ten was shocked at his horrible strategies and he offered to help them proposing to assign his little brother who is a strategist to the unit. However, his brother, Mou Ki, sent to them Ka Ryo Ten instead.
Coalition Invasion Arc[]
During the Battle of Kankoku Pass, he is stationed in the Tou Army with Ou Hon. He enters the fray parallel to the Rin Bou Army while supporting them. Later, it is revealed that he asked Mou Bu about the battle plan. He is told the Chu army is comprised of three armies, each of them is 50,000 men strong for a total of 150,000 with the commander of the Chu Army being part of the 3rd Army lying at the back. And that Mou Bu's target is the head of the Chu Army's Commander-in-chief. And the Tou Army will be taking care of their 1st army.
He nearly has his head cut off by Kou Yoku but he manages to parry the deadly blow and keep his unit moving to break through their weak point.
Later, after Rin Bou is killed by Haku Rei, he splits the Gaku Ka Unit's rear and front into two groups. The rear dived into the giant melee, heading straight for the enemy HQ while the front would follow him deep into the enemy's vicinity, where there are no allied forces. He knows for a commander like Roku O Mi who personally wades into the thick of battle, there is nothing more fearsome than a skilled archer. So for the sake of assisting Roku O Mi and for the sake of the battle further down the line they had to remove the threat.
Mou Ten is saved by Ou Hon and the Gyoku Hou Unit from Kou Yoku and Haku Rei.
He sends Riku Sen to lead the heavy armor cavalry as a diversion to gain the enemy's attention. Then Mou Ten attacks from the other side. But as he is about to slay Haku Rei, Kou Yoku appears and knocks him off his horse with his strike. Before the two Chu commanders could kill him, he is saved by Ou Hon and the Gyoku Hou Unit.
When Haku Rei's platform cart arrives, he had planned to snipe Ou Hon and Tou. But unbeknownst to him Mou Ten and a few of Gaku Ka soldiers had been hiding under the cart. He tries to shoot Mou Ten, but only is able to get a few strands of his hair before Mou Ten cuts his chest and shoulder along with his bow in two. Giving Tou enough time to defeat Rin Bu Kun.
Mou Ten, like Ou Hon and Shin could tell that the end of the attrition warfare would soon be upon them.
Mou Ten was assigned to the combined Tou and Mou Bu armies under General Tou's command. After Mou Bu delivers a powerful speech, he has the Left (Heki 3,000-man Unit) attack the 60,000 men strong Kanmei Army Right.
After a while of only the Left fighting everyone begins to worry. But Mou Ten thinks he's figured out what he’s planning. When the Chu sends reinforcements to wipe the Left out. Mou Ten’s older lieutenant asks if they were just a casual sacrifice. Mou Bu then has all his troops starting from the left charge in an assault in Echelon Formation. He explains what an echelon formation is.
Ka Rin then sends out her Army of war chariots, which are producing a huge amount of dust. As Rokuomi goes to charge them, they turn left. They had been raising dust on purpose as a smokescreen. It then revealed Karin’s war elephant unit. After a hard-fought battle, Kanou and Rokuomi drive the elephants away. But it's revealed by Tou they retreated too easily. After the retreat, it is revealed they were nothing but a distraction to corner the Tou Army with all of Karin’s troops.
Feeling their defense to still be too weak, Tou switched the commanders of the left and right-wing

Mou Ten and Ou Hon temporarily being appointed as 5000-Man Commander
. Mou Ten is appointed the commander of the 5000 strong right armies. Ou Hon was appointed the commander of the 5000 strong left armies. Riku Sen nervously tells Mou Ten that to have been chosen in a situation such as the one they are facing, and they may have accepted a bit too readily but Mou Ten tells him that it's not true. He tells them about the only people in the Tou Army who are capable of fighting in those kinds of circumstances are himself and Ou Hon. Mou Ten then leaves the HQ to his older lieutenant and tells him if things get too dangerous to let him know with the flags. He tells Mou Ten he will hold the position even if it cost him his

The Tou Army being surrounded by the Ka Rin Army's onslaught
life. Mou Ten tells him not to push himself too hard because he can't die before he holds his child in his arms first. He tells his men through the bulk of their forces are their infantry holding the lines, and it is up to them as cavalry that holds their fates in their hands. And they move out. He then tells Riku Sen not to screw up. And they split into four groups. Mou Ten knew that the outside of their formation was still within the Chu's enclosure. And the moment they stop, the enemy's blades would be able to catch them. Therefore, they must also avoid clashing with Chu's head-on. And their target is the back of the enemy forces attacking their infantry formations. Just hitting them in the back was enough to greatly demoralize the enemy forces. They then immediately pull out. While looking for a safe spot, Kou Moku finds a spot, but Mou Ten tells him that that spot isn't good. And they would find themselves trapped after the second charge. It's revealed that Mou Ten always thinks three or four steps ahead while they move. To allow his cavalry to keep moving, Mou Ten would memories all the positions while

Mou Ten being cut down by Kan Mei
on the move. Then he would once again strike at the backs of enemies at any spot that was at risk of folding. And so long as the cavalry kept moving and providing assistance, their foot soldiers began to regain their space to take a rest. So long as they kept proving the infantry with breathing room, the formation wouldn't collapse so easily. While doing this he sees Karin move in on the other battlefield. He rushes to the other battlefield to intercept Ka Rin. But Karin sends a small group under the command of her brother Ka En to kill Mou Bu who is in a fight with Kan Mei to prove he's the strongest in all of China. Ka En gets to the duel and is intercepted by Mou Ten who attacks Ka En slightly injuring him. Ka En pushes him in between Kan Mei and Mou Bu; Kan Mei who gets offended by this cut Mou Ten knocking him to the ground, after which Mou Bu brutally kills Kan Mei.
Mou Ten would later recover from his injuries after the war and was promoted to a 2000-Man Commander for his achievements during the Kankoku battle. He and his unit were sent to Kakuen, which was South of Shin's location of Kaisou.
Kyou Kai's Revenge Arc[]
Mou Ten along with Shin are present for his grandfather finally words before his death.
Koku You Campaign Arc[]
During Koku You Arc Mou Ten is already a 4000-Man Commander.[2] After the battle ended he joins Qin forces to finish the fort contractions in Hi Shin Units place.[3] He playfully ask Shin if he wants to try his luck in matchmaking and later explains the military and the current political situation in the Middle Kingdom and advises Shin and the Hi Shin Unit to recover their full strength.[4]
Bureaucrats Job Arc[]
He and his Gaku Ka Unit was sent to take over for the Hi Shin Unit in defending the Koku You region. They stayed there and had to watch, how the Zhao closed more and more of the border. Then a messenger arrived and recalled Mou Ten to Kanyou, while the Gaku Ka Unit should remain in their position. In Kanyou, he attended a secret tactical meeting with Ou Hon, Shin, and Ka Ryo Ten.
Western Zhao Invasion Arc[]
He was sent alongside Ou Hon and Shin under Ou Sen and his 2 other officers Yo Tan Wa and Kan Ki to attack Gyou. Before the battle started, he had a conversation with Ou Sen, where he was able to correctly guess his intentions. Ou Sen then asked the young commander to join his army, but Mou Ten refused, saying that there is someone far more deserving the honor. His task on the first day was to bait Ki Sui Army with hit and run tactics so that they would be an easy target for an attack from Ma Kou Army. After the death of Ma Kou, he was able to save half of the left wing's army together with Shin. For these achievements, he becomes the acting General of the Ma Kou Army. He stalled Ki Sui Army long enough for 15 long days using cat and mouse maneuvers.
On the 15th day of battle, he chased after Ba Tei to the center. On his way, however, he turned back and saved Ou Sen from the pincer attack, by wounding Ba Nan Ji's eye and stopping his charge.
After the Battle at Shukai Plains, he joins the chase against Ri Boku Army alongside the 1/5th of the army.
Five months later, standing alongside Ri Shin and Ou Hon he is promoted to the rank of a general during the award ceremony.
Zhao Crisis Arc[]
One month after being promoted to a general, Mou Ten, with an entirely fresh and new look befitting him perfectly, meets up with his fellow general Ri Shin as they greet each other and introduces Ai Sen his newly appointed adjutant and lieutenant while on their way to Gyou.
Shiyuu Conflict Arc[]
Mou Ten is seen commanding Gaku Ka Army against Zhao general Kou Shi. He was easily pushing back Zhao units due to two reasons. One was that his talent blossomed after becoming a general. Second was due to the offensive power of his new adjutant Ai Sen.
Battle of Eikyuu Arc[]
During the war Gaku Ka Army is posted with Ou Sen Army. When Gyoku Hou is send by Kan Ki to a suicide mission Mou Ten goes to Ou Sen's HQ and begs the great general to save his son, but he refuses, claiming that he had a deal with Kan Ki to leave Gyoku Hou to him. Mou Ten then leaves hoping that Hi Shin Army will get there in time to save them.
Zhao's Retaliation Arc[]
Mou Ten and his army take part in the ongoing war against Zhao. During the siege of Atsuyo, they station north and protect the rear of the Ou Sen Army from any outside attacks. During the strategical meeting, he proposes Heki Army attack Sekirei due to their proficiency in fundamental warfare. When the city is taken without a fight, he suspects a trap and orders his troops to search every corner of town.
When the battle starts his army and Hi Shin Unit join forces to escape Ri Boku's trap. They combine into a Drill Formation and clash against Seika Army's own Drill Formation. During the battle, Mou Ten is attacked by general Gaku Shou. Even though his parring skills save his life he is defeated. However, Ai Sen can save his life and both units escape the encirclement despite suffering heavy losses.
His unit later takes part in the siege of Gian and together with Hi Shin Unit, they can take the city. When Kan Ki plans his ambush on Ri Boku at Hika, Mou Ten faces off against Shun Sui Ju and tries to stall him until Kan Ki can finish the job. However, when the ambush turns out to be unsuccessful Mou Ten orders a retreat.
Three Pillars Arc[]
Mou Ten is summoned to the capitol alongside Ri Shin and Ou Hon. They are informed about the Three Pillars plan and that the scope of their armies will be expanded and Gaku Ka will be send to Kouto in order to intercept possible reinforcements from Zhao. They filled the space between Ryouyou and Gyou in order to establish a defensive line.