Kingdom Wiki
Ki Sui Army
Ki Sui Army portrait
Group Info
Name Ki Sui Army
Location Unknown
State Zhao
Status Active
Group Personnel
General Ki Sui
Lieutenant(s) Ba Tei

Ryuu Tou

Side Infos

The Ki Sui Army, also known as the Rigan Army, is an army led by Zhao General Ki Sui. Before the tragedy of Rigan, it was commanded by the previous lord and Ki Sui's father, Ki Shou.


The army initially started out with 30,000 strong. Combined with Kei Sha Army of 40,000, they set out to defend the Kokuyou Region from the combined Kan Ki Army and Hi Shin Unit of 58,000.


Kokuyou Campaign Arc[]

(in notes for now)

Battle of Kokuyou Hills[]

  • Showed above-average willpower, strength, and strategy
  • Ki Sui, Ryuu Tou, and Ba Tei save Kei Sha from Kan Ki's trap
  • Ryuu Tou tries to save Kei Sha again, but he fails and is slain by Kyou Kai of the Hi Shin Unit
  • Ki Sui takes over the command of the joined forces after Kei Sha's death.
  • When Kan Ki threatens to attack Rigan City and torture its civilians. Ki Sui leaves Kokuyou to the remnants of the Kei Sha Army in order to save his hometown. But Kan Ki avoids the counterattack and manages to take over the Kokuyou region.

Western Zhao Invasion Arc[]

  • The army is positioned at Zhao's right-wing.
  • They are taken off guard by Ma Kou's surprise attack but are able to push their army after Ma Kou's death and kill nearly half of their troops.
  • Fight with Mou Ten to a standstill for the rest of the battle.




Ki Sui portrait
Ki Sui
Ki Shou
Burned alive under the command of Tou Kin

Deputies & Vice Generals[]

Ryuu Tou portrait
Ryuu Tou
General & Strategist
Slain by Kyou Kai
Ba Tei, the Right Hand of Ki Sui Kingdom
Ba Tei
Kai Gou portrait
Kai Gou

5000-Man Commanders[]

No image
5000-Man Cavalry Commander
No image
Shi En
5,000-Man Cavalry Commander

3000-Man Commanders[]

No image
Mei Fu
3000-Man Cavalry Commander

2000-Man Commanders[]

Kou Kaku 1
Kou Kaku
2000-Man Cavalry Commander
Slain by Riku Sen

1000-Man Commanders[]

No image
Ro Geki
1000-Man Cavalry Commander
No image
1000-Man Cavalry Commander

Unspecified Commanders[]

Gaku'in portrait
Ki Shou Army
Burned alive under the command of Tou Kin
Duke Kuku portrait
Duke Kuku †
Ki Shou Army
Burned alive under the command of Tou Kin
Ren Ka portrait
No image
No image
Kan Riku †
Kai Gou Army
Slain by Koku'Ou Clan
No image
Duke Sei portrait
Den Dou - Ki Sui Army
Den Dou
No image
Chin borthers
Ba Tei Army
No image
Bugen Ten
Ba Tei Army
No image
Chou Sei †
Ba Tei Army
Death: Hi Shin Unit



Ryuutou Army
Ryuu Tou Army
Ba Tei Army Portrait
Ba Tei Army
Kai Gou Charges


Kisui Unit
Ki Sui Cavalry Unit
Elite Unit
No image
Kan Riku Unit †
Kai Gou Army
Death: Koku'Ou Clan
No image
Jin Unit
No image
Retsu Unit
No image
5,000-Man Cavalry Unit
No image
Shi En
5,000-Man Cavalry Unit
Ryuutou elite guard
Ryuu Tou Elite Honour Guard
200-man Unit
Ryuu Tou Army
Ikei Unit
Ikei Unit
1000-man Cavalry Unit
Kou Kaku Unit
Kou Kaku Unit
2000-man Cavalry Unit



Their army was said to be one of the best in the entire state of Zhao. Their greatest strength seems to be the high morale and quality strength of each soldier.


General Ki Sui's Flag of Rigan
General Ki Sui Army
Rigan banners
Ki Sui Army banner flags.
Ki Sui Army to the Rescue!
Ki Sui leading his soldiers to Kei Sha and his elites from the Zenou Clan's ambush.

