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Kei Sha
Chinese Qing She
Kanji 慶舎
Romaji Kei Sha
Epithet The Silent Hunter
Biographical Information
Deceased (Slain)
Marital Status Unknown
Age Late 20s
Gender Male
State Zhao
Location Koku You (Death Place)
Professional Information
Classification Army Commander
Occupation Soldier
Vassal of Ri Boku
Ri Boku's Student (Formerly)
Affiliates Zhao Military
Ri Boku Army
Kei Sha Army
Coalition Army (Defunct)
Military Rank General
Japanese VA Daisuke Hirakawa
English VA Nicholas Andrew Louie
Manga Debut Chapter 251
Anime Debut Episode 81
Game Debut Kingdom: Seven Flags
After all, in our numerous simulation battles...even I have lost to him a fair few time. "The Silent Hunter". It is my belief that he is the most terrifying instinctual general.

Ri Boku, talking about Kei Sha with Shun Shin Kun

Kei Sha, also known the Silent Hunter [1], was an Instinctual Type General of the Zhao Military and Ri Boku's right-hand having once been his former student. During king Tou Jou's reign, he was considered one of the most important military commanders of the Zhao Military as he was regarded as the closet man to the final seat of the Three Great Heavens. He was killed in a one-on-one duel with Shin of the Hi Shin Unit during the Battle of Koku You Hills.


Kei Sha was a clean-shaven man whose long black hair was tied in two spheres with a chessboard pattern which could be a tribal style in Zhao. He wore an armor under his orange and black robes.


Kei Sha was a good-mannered man, as seen in his speech and actions. He seemed to enjoy watching his opponents being torn apart by his elaborate traps, However, he could become irritated if the opponent wasn't lured by the trap and didn't reveal their characteristics and method of warfare, even to the extent of provoking him to enter the battlefield, as Ri Boku described, his impatience is his weakness, which leads to his death. He was aiming for the last free seat of Zhao's Three Great Heavens.


When Kei Sha was a child, his village was attacked by a group of bandits who killed his parents in front of him. After that, he was taken in a by local weaponsmith & lived in an old weapons shop while winning prize money from mock tabletop strategy tournaments. One day he defeated one of Ri Boku’s students. The young Ri Boku noticed his talent and took him in after asking him to join him on his journeys.


Sanyou Aftermath Arc[]

During the preparations for the war against the state of Yan, Kei Sha was sent to ask Hou Ken to join the Zhao forces. He comments on Hou Ken's limitations in his attempt to surpass Ou Ki's shadow and informs him that he may find his answer on the battlefield.[2] He participated in the battle against Great General Geki Shin and was in charge of the captured Yan soldiers.[3]

Coalition Invasion Arc[]

Kei Sha was with Ri Boku during his political meeting with Chu prime minister Shun Shin Kun.[4] Months later, Kei Sha led the attack on Bayou, conquering the Qin city at the start of the Coalition war.

On the first day of the Battle of Kankoku Pass, Kei Sha nearly bests Duke Hyou by attacking his rear and dealing significant damage. It was only due Shin and the Hi Shin Unit, who rallied the troops in the rear, that the Duke Hyou Army escaped irreparable damage to their numbers.

On the 15th day of battle, the Qin devised a plan to use Duke Hyou as a bait in order to lure Kei Sha out and pincer him with Hi Shin Unit. However, Kei Sha quickly realized their intentions and swiftly beat a retreat.[5] Following both sides continued brawling, lacking decisive movements.

State of Ai Arc[]

Kei Sha is seen during strategical meeting with Ri Boku, Kaine and Fu Tei. Ri Boku is worried about the rise of Qin's power and Kei Sha notes that Chu also began to strengthen their military in earnest. He then wonders if Qin has the resolve to break the balance of power in China. They come to the conclusion that it will come down to the political clash between king Ei Sei and Ryo Fui.[6]

Koku You Campaign Arc[]

When Qin began their invasion of the Kokuyou regions Ri Boku sent Kei Sha along with a 40,000 strong Zhao army to help reinforce the area together with Rigan's 30,000 reinforcements and have their city lord, Ki Sui act as his Vice General. Due to a lack of cities in the area, the success of the battle was depending on taking the five hills.

On the first day of battle, Thanks to the Kan Ki Army's Zenou Clan's furious strength, the Qin began to break through Zhao's 20,000 armies. In response, Kei Sha decided to send his soldiers to the center hill to act as bait. After that, he launched a flanking attack on the Qin's 2nd unit in order to completely cut off Rai Do's reinforcements.[7] This enabled him to isolate both the Rai Do Clan and Zenou Clan while forcing them to retreat. However, Zenou and Rai Do regroup to climb the hill and burned all the fortifications that Zhao tried to build despite their losses.

On the 4th day, the Hi Shin Unit again engaged Ba Tei and Ryuu Tou, while waiting for Kan Ki's orders. Every other location on the battlefield maintained the same stalemate as the day prior. This resulted in Kei Sha becoming inpatient and attacking Hi Shin Unit with his elite guards leaving his "web". Shin's soldiers became surrounded between Ba Tei and Ryuu Tou Armies and Kei Sha forces, and they've been slowly wipe out. However, it turned out this was all according to Kan Ki's plan and Kei Sha found himself attacked by Zen Ou Clan that broke diagonally through Ki Sui's formations and went for Kei Sha's head. Despite that, Kei Sha managed to escape the clash when saved by Ki Sui who descended from the hill.

After escaping the death trap Kei Sha realized Kan Ki's weakness and decided to return to his HQ. However, Shin chased after Kei Sha. Thanks to Na Ki's assistance he was able to catch up to Silent Hunter and killed him after a brief duel. In his final moments, Kei Sha realized Shin had grown more then he anticipated and later expressed regret that he wasn't able to pay his debt to his lord, Ri Boku.


Strength 88
Leadership 90
Intelligence 91
Experience A
Instinctive type: Silent Hunter

Strength 88
Leadership 90
Intelligence 91
Experience A
Instinctive type: Silent Hunter

Strength 88
Leadership 88
Intelligence 90
Experience B
Instinctive type: Silent Hunter

Kei Sha, the most trusted subordinate and vassal of Ri Boku, was a uniquely instinctive military commander—widely regarded as the prime candidate to fill the final seat of the Three Great Heavens.[8] At the time of his death, he was counted among the five most important figures in the Zhao Military.[9] Before facing Duke Hyou, Ri Boku even described him as the most terrifying Instinctual Type general he had ever encountered.[10] His appointment as commander of the entire Zhao armies during the Coalition Invasion further underscored his exceptional military capabilities.

Physical Abilities[]

Keisha vs Shin

Kei Sha overpowers Shin.

Master Swordsman: Kei Sha proved himself to be a talented warrior and frontline general with strong proficiency in the sword. He was able to lead the charge of his elite army to pincer the Hi Shin Unit which led to the death of many of its soldiers. It was shown that this move would've completely wiped them out if not for Zenou's counterattack.[11] Later he was a challenge for Shin in their brief duel, showing surprising strength and precision when wielding his sword. However, he wasn't good enough to defeat the young commander and their clash ultimately ended in his death.[12]


Kei Sha was noted to be a great leader who was even able to gain the loyalty of a lone wolf like Gaku'Ei. With simple words of praise, he could inspire his men to endure the most brutal of battlefields.[13] After his death, the remnants of his army went berserk to avenge their master, which indicated the strong connection he had with his soldiers.[14]

Tactical Abilities[]

Kei Sha's Web

Kei Sha's "web".

Instinctual Type: With a high attribute of tactical knowledge, Kei Sha was often likened to a spider who could weave a web of fluid strategy to entangle and ensnare his opponents. His instinctive abilities allowed him to defeat in simulation battles many strategists including his teacher Ri Boku on few occasions.[15] Ri Boku would comment that even for him defeating Kei Sha in a live battle would not be an easy task.[16]

To date, Kei Sha was Zhao's Instinctual Type General with the highest attribute in the knowledge of war besides Ren Pa. That in itself does not count for the strength of his own intuition. Duke Hyou remarked that despite the kinds of precarious situations he puts himself in or the strength of his offense, Kei Sha proved to be an elusive opponent. During the Battle of Kankoku Pass, he was able to effectively lead Duke Hyou into a trap and strike the rear of his army, nearly defeating him.[17]

On the first day of the Battle of Koku You Hill, he decided to send his soldiers to the center hill as a bait. After that, he launched a flanking attack on the 2nd unit in order to completely cut off Rai Do's reinforcements.[18] This enabled him to isolate Rai Do and Zenou units and force them to retreat - something that was even outside of Kan Ki's calculations.[19] Later he was even able to figure out Kan Ki's weakness,[20] however, due to his death at the hands of Shin, he wasn't able to use this information in battle.


The Silent Hunter was said to be the type that is impossible to best unless you manage to lure him out of the "web" he hides in.[21][22] When Qin devised a plan to use Duke Hyou as a bait to lure out and pincer him with Hi Shin Unit, he quickly realized their intentions and swiftly beat a retreat.[23] However, a few years later Kan Ki was able to successfully lure Kei Sha out of his web by using psychological warfare which turned out to be his downfall.



Kei Sha
Kei Sha's Spider instincts.
Bi Hei confronted by Kei Sha
Kei Sha leading his elites against Kan Ki Army's 2nd Infantry unit.
Kei Sha Escapes
Kei Sha escapes Kan Ki's death trap.
Kei Sha charges the Hi Shin Unit
Kei Sha leading his elites as they charge the Hi Shin Unit.
Kei Sha meets Ri Boku
Kei Sha meeting Ri Boku for the first time.
Kei Sha Flag
Kei Sha's Flag.
Shin vs Kei Sha!
Keisha vs Shin
Kei Sha overpowers Shin.
Kei Sha vs Shin
Kei Sha vs Shin
Shin Slays Kei Sha
Kei Sha is slain by Shin.
Kei Sha spider dead
Kei Sha's demise.


  • Kei Sha is based on a real historical general Qing She. However, there seem to be several differences between him and his historical counterpart. [1]
  • It was Ri Boku who gave him the moniker "The Silent Hunter" for his ability to entrap any opponent on the battlefield.
  • As reveled in an omake, Kei Sha was an orphan before Ri Boku took him underneath his wing.


Ri Boku Army
Great General: Ri BokuHou Ken
Strategists: Ri Boku • Shun Sui Ju •
Generals: Kei ShaBa Nan JiShun Sui JuKotsu Min HakuFu TeiKin MouGaku'EiEarl RaiEarl Kou † •
Commanders: KaineBa Fuu JiGi Ka † • Sa Tou • Sou Kou • Hoku Shin • Hoku Ren • Kan To • Chou Bi • Chou Hatsu • Ju Kan • Shou Ji • Jou Fu • Ko Kin • Sen • Ko A • Earl Maku
Infantry: Ro Shin † • Ban Riku • Kaku Jou • Kon Jin • En Sou † • Haku Sha †
Cavalry: Sou Ha • Getsu Bou • Sen Bi • You Ou † • Duke Ren † • Kou † • Ko Getsu † • Ta Getsu † • Chiku Shin † • Kou Tou † • Tai Go • Den Ko • Kei Fu • Chou Kan • Kat Suho •
Armies: Kei Sha ArmyBa Nan Ji ArmyShun Sui Ju ArmyKotsu Min Haku ArmyFu Tei ArmyKin Mou ArmyGaku'Ei ArmyEarl Rai Army • Earl Kou Army •
Units: Kaine UnitBa Fuu Ji Unit • Ga Fu Unit • Den Kan Unit • Kai Unit • Hoku Shin Unit • Hoku Reki Unit • Kan To Unit • Chou Bi Unit • Chou Hatsu Unit • Ba Shi Unit • Kaku Unit • Ro Shin Unit • Sou Unit
Allies and Affiliates: Shi Ba Shou ArmyGian ArmyKi Sui ArmyRi Haku ArmyKou Son Ryuu ArmyChou Sou ArmyMan Goku ArmyGyou'un ArmyChou Ga Ryuu ArmyKo Chou Army
Tactical Formations: Origin Tactics • Cage FormationRyuudouLine FormationGreat Crane Formation
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  1. Chapter 274 page 6
  2. Chapter 251 page 11
  3. Chapter 253 page 10
  4. Chapter 472 page 13
  5. Chapter 318 page 11
  6. Chapter 402
  7. Chapter 449 page 14
  8. Chapter 470 page 11 and Chapter 484 page 5
  9. Chapter 472 page 5
  10. Chapter 274 page 6
  11. Chapter 446 page 3
  12. Chapter 472 page 15
  13. Chapter 560 page 15
  14. Chapter 557 page 4
  15. Chapter 274 page 5
  16. Chapter 466 page 12
  17. Chapter 274 page 13
  18. Chapter 449 page 14
  19. Chapter 449 page 18
  20. Chapter 468 page 14
  21. Chapter 266 page 13
  22. Chapter 269 page 7
  23. Chapter 318 page 11