Kingdom Wiki

Siege Of Kourou City is the 12th episode of the second season and the 50th episode of the anime Kingdom.


A volley of arrows sweeps through the Qin soldiers. In the royal palace, the betrayal of the Queen Mother and the chancellor spreads. Ryo Fui tries to avoid the Queen Mother, but she decides otherwise. Ei Sei gathers his advisors to tell them that Ryo Fui has courted a harem woman, which is totally forbidden. Ou Hon and his allies manage to reach the top of the wall, and invade the walled city. Soon, they find themselves outnumbered and Ou Hon has to find a way to make up the difference.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Characters Introduced[]


Norihiko Nagahama directed the episode while Masahiko Shiraishi served as the writer and Mifumi Tomita as the animator.


Eyecatch Shin Anime Season 2

Eyecatch: Shin.

