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Chancellor Chou
Biographical Information
Marital Status Unknown
Age 60s
Gender Male
State Han
Location Shintei
Professional Information
Classification Official
Occupation Politician
Affiliates Han Government
Political Position Prime Minister
Manga Debut Chapter 86 (mentioned)
Chapter 412 (official appearance)
Anime Debut Episode 119

Chou, also refered to as Chou Shi (Mr. Chou) is the current Prime Minister of the state of Han.


Chou is an old man with large nose, gray hair, mustache and a beard. He wears an official's robe and hat.


Chou is known throughout China as a wise man with strong morals. He is shown as pragmatic, understanding, and grounded in realism when it comes to the different affairs of his state.

Chou angry

Chou silencing Jou Sei

As the former head of military affairs, Chou is thus not only well versed in politics, but also in warfare, like Ri Boku and Kaku Kai of Zhao or Ka Rin of Chu. Even as a Prime Minster, his opinion is sollicited by the military and the King plenty of times when a military operation or plan is required to be enacted during war. Another one of his notable traits, is his raging temperament whenever his plans are thwarted or that he feels that the state of Han is in great danger which indicates of his strong sense of patriotism.


Before becoming the Prime Minister of Han, he was a strategist and served as Han's Head of Military Affairs for many years.


Assassination Plot Arc[]

When Heki tries to figure out who might be behind the assassination attempt, he describes Chou of Han as a wise man with strong morals who wouldn't allow such an act.[1]

State of Ai Arc[]

Chou is first seen during Ei Sei's coronation along with other high officials of the Central Plains.[2]

Battle of Eikyuu Arc[]

After the official declaration of Qin's revival of the Six Great Generals, the royal court in Shintei is in uproar. Chou agrees with King Ou An and General Raku'A Kan's proposition to ally with Chu, stating that as long as their rear is well protected, Han will be able to counter any possible future invasion from Qin. After some members of the court expressed their concern about Ka Rin's extreme personality, Chou decides to send General Chou'In, who sat next to her as Han's chief general in the Coalition Army after the death of Great General Sei Kai.[3]

Nature Of Humanity Arc[]

Chou is present in the royal court of Shintei during Qin's diplomatic visit to obtain the Legalist expert Kan Pishi, who is also a member of the state's royal family. He introduces himself and the King before the leading Qin delegate Kai Oku. When the latter dismisses King Ou An's proposition of a Qin-Han alliance, Chou makes it clear to him that Kan Pishi can only be let to go to Qin if this alliance is accepted. Kai Oku replies by alluding that such an alliance would be complicated due to Han's celeberations of Kan Ki's death, to which Chou responds by stating that Han's citizens were greatly affected by their Great General Sei Kai's death at the hands of Kan Ki's "bizarre" tactics during the Coalition War.

Kaio Ku then expresses that the citizens of Qin also harbor a grudge towards Han due to Sei Kai's unconventional poison weapon tactics which led to the death of General Chou Tou during that same war, to which Chou responds by claiming that it is his King who wants to put an end to this cycle of hatred and grudges between both peoples by proposing this alliance.

After Kai Oku's statement of Qin potentially being forced to invade Han if their invitation to bring in Kan Pishi is declined, Chou decides to ask the King Ou An if they should hear from Kan Pishi himself of his opinion on the matter, to which the King agrees.

Three Pillars Arc[]

Two years later, after a huge defeat at the hands of Ri Boku and Seika's armies, Qin turns its attention towards Han. After the start of the invasion, the royal court in Shintei is once again in uproar, and Chou is present as always. He starts by making it clear that Qin intends to subjugate entirely the state of Han while making sure that Zhao and Wei won't be able to intervene in the invasion to provide help for them.

After the report of the invading army being a 60,000 strong force led by General Ri Shin heading towards the strategic city of Nanyou, the General Raku'A Kan proposes for Han to concentrate its armies in key areas, with the implication of them being forced to abandon certain castles and regions, to which Chou agrees, stating that castles and lands can be taken back, which is not the same for human lives. Then another report arrives about an additional force of 100,000 led by one of the current Six Great Generals of Qin, Tou, which causes some panic amongst the officials in the court. Chou then intervenes by asking them to not rush to conclusions, and proposes three options to the court : the first being for General Rakua'A Kan to take command of every single soldier in Shintei and head on to clash with Tou in a grand final showdown; the second option being to simply observe the situation in Nayou from afar; while the third consisting in ordering the withdrawal of all the Han forces present at Nanyou towards the capital Shintei.

Chou then asks for Raku'A Kan's opinion, to which the latter proposes going out with 50,000 soldiers from Shintei towards Nanyou, and another 50,000 from the different castles along the way, in order to meet up with General Haku'ou Koku's and Nanyou's garrison combined forces of 70,000 men, in order to counter Qin's 160,000 troops with 170,000 Han soldiers, believing that with this, Han's victory would be assured, since many of Qin's troops are recently conscripted men with far less military experience than the armies of Han. Chou expresses his disagreement with a plan like this, believing that they cannot approach the enemy half-heartedly, and can only do it with all of their strength. He then asks for King Ou An's opinion, since both of them can't come to an agreement, to which he is interrupted by another report detailing an additional 100,000 invading army from Qin.

This report finally sends Chou over the edge, making him lose his calm in front of the whole court. General Raku'A Kan reacts by stating that they cannot save Nanyou from a 260,000 Qin army in any scenario, which forces them to retreat all of their troops from the city towards Shintei, to which the Prime Minister agrees. After Princess Nei expressing heavy concern regarding Nanyou's citizens having to deal with this invading army, Chou reassures her by stating that the Lord of the castle, Ryuu'An, is the most talented man amongst all castle lords of the country, believing that his talents will most likely provide some saving grace.

Eventually, this second 100,000 additional is revealed to be a fake one created in order to hasten the Han royal court's decision making, which prompts them to reinforce their inner regions and prepare to attack the Qin armies in order to defeat Great General Tou and expel them from their country. A year later, Han finally decides to attack the invaders from Qin who have taken complete control of the city of Nanyou for many months by now. In another royal court meeting, Generals Raku'Akan and Haku'ou Koku prepare to head out with a combined force 210,000 with the objective to lure Qin's 160,000 forces to the Eiketsu Plains, to which Chou describes as an all out war, asking General Raku'A Kan to not lose, since the fate of the entire state rests on this battle. The court's enthusiasm and euphoria is then suddenly interrupted by multiple reports stating that many castles around the country have expressed their decision to not provide the number of soldiers that was agreed upon at first, which leads to the Prime Minister bursting out in anger, asking why those castles can't send out soldiers out of a sudden.

These reports causes some officials to doubt the decision of send the main army out of the capital city, to which Chou reponds by stating how they cannot stop the marching army since it would greatly affect Han's military prestige and cause the total collapse of the moral throughout the country. Chou then concludes that Han cannot stop, and that their armies are still superior in numbers and military experience than the invading armies sent by Qin, with the King Ou An then officially ordering for Han's armies to go out for battle.

Conquest of Han Arc[]

Afterwards, two messengers from Nanyou arrive to the royal court : one is Jou Sei, a lord from Nanyou who was a former offical in Shintei's court, and the other being Sekison, an envoy directly serving the Qin Six General Tou. Both messengers describe the court of the situation in the city occupied by Qin's forces, stating that it has become a true utopia in which Han and Qin have lived in total peace for the past months without any mass pillaging and rape like it is accustomed in the Warring States era. This shocks the whole court, and completely angers the Prime Minister Chou, who believes it be a machination from Qin. He is disgusted by Jou Sei and attacks him verbally for supposedly having fallen to Qin's lies despite having been a formerly respected official in the Shintei court.

Chou then gives out a fiery speech to the whole court, declaring these statements as a fantasy, an illusion created by Qin in order to subjugate Han without losing too many men and ressources, in a plan to get back to their feet and regain their confidence after their defeats at Zhao. He declares that Qin only intends to manipulate the people of Han, so that they are able to quickly conquer Shintei and completely subjugate the entire state, leading to the Han citizens being ultimately deprived of their dignity and freedom. After concluding by crying out that Han will not fall to the invaders, he orders the two men to be imprisonated instead of decapitated, due to his respect for Jou Sei's former accomplishments.


Chou is a veteran strategist and politician who is well regarded both in his home state as well as abroad. His opinion is highly valued inside Shintei's royal court, with all members of the court including the King turning to him whenever a problem arises, and a decision needs to be made.


Chou is also seen as very capable of rallying support through fiery speeches, which demonstrates his charismatic side, being able to muster courage and strength from his fellow Han politicians in times of need.

Tactical Abilities[]

Chou is known as a military strategist in his home state and was the head of military affairs, indicating his tactical prowess. He was able to come up with multiple plans to counter against the Qin's invasion.


As the prime minister, Chou is a capable politician and have influences in making key decisions in the court. He is generally the one speaking on behalf of the King of Han, Ou An, as the royal family are the only ones in the entire country that have a higher status than Chou. Due to his position, he is often the one sent by Han to represent the state in ceremonies involving many higher ranking officials from the different states of China, such as during the current King of Qin's official coronation.


Chou during Ei Sei's coming of age ceremony.
Chou angry
Chou silencing Jou Sei.


Royal Family Ou Ou ‡ • Ou AnNei
Prime Minister
City Lords
Great Generals


  1. Chapter 86, page 9
  2. Chapter 412, page 6
  3. Chapter 673, page 5