Kingdom Wiki

The First Night is the 335th chapter of the Kingdom Manga.


As the dusk approaches, the Ri Boku Army retreats back to their base preparing for the next clash. The people of Sai are overjoyed they defended successfully for one day.

At the same time, on the battlefield at Kankoku Pass the enemy troops retreat without doing anything at all. The reason for this was because the Chu army was defeated, and the Qin armies could easily ambush the coalition state's troops if they committed too much. Mou Gou and Kan Ki understood that Sai is fighting Ri Boku's detachment army, and they must stay at Kankoku Pass, because if they move the pass will fall.

At the Zhao's camp, Ri Boku informs everyone that he plans on taking Sai with half of their strength used. He orders everyone to split the 40,000 army into 20,000 at the very moment. The guards on Sai's wall notice an army incoming in the night, and mindlessly start shooting arrows in the dark night. The truth is, half of the army that Ri Boku brought was asleep, while half of the army that was fighting at Sai at that moment was simply cheering and not fighting, making the Qin's arrow attacks a waste.








Sei Kyou's Rebellion Arc Keiyou Campaign Arc Escape from Zhao Arc Assassination Plot Arc Training Arc
Battle of Bayou Arc Alliance Arc Third Faction Arc Sanyou Campaign Arc Sanyou Aftermath Arc
Coalition Invasion Arc Kyou Kai's Revenge Arc Conspiracy in the Court Arc Fire Dragons of Wei Arc Ai Country Rebellion Arc
Kokuyou Campaign Arc Bureaucrats Job Arc Western Zhao Invasion Arc Zhao Crisis Arc War of the Three States Arc
Shiyuu Conflict Arc Battle of Eikyuu Arc Zhao's Retaliation Arc Nature Of Humanity Arc Hango Campaign Arc